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The Gendered Lens

The Gendered Lens

Ans Westra, Lisa Reihana, Yuki Kihara, Christine Webster, Ann Shelton, Natalie Robertson, Anne Noble

Waikato Museum Te Whare Taonga o Waikato

15 March - 28 April 2019

Join Dr Nadia Gush from the Waikato Gender Research Network for free talk about The Gendered Lens
6 - 7pm, 15 March

Christine Webster Therapies 1 (v) (2013)

Curated by Vanessa Jones and Lisa Wilkie. Toured by Milford Galleries Dunedin

Essay by Lisa Wilkie:

We all see the world through a gendered lens. Our experiences of the everyday are continually mediated by our gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, religious and political beliefs, cultural affiliations. We operate within a matrix of social practices and reproduce these same practices day after day, creating and re-creating a dominant narrative that we may not recognise as oppressive or inequitable. The photography in The Gendered Lens seeks to not only make visible other narratives but to resist and subvert hegemonic ways of being.
Read full essay at Milford Galleries website.