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In the company of bees

In the company of bees

Anne Noble

Bartley & Company Art
Level 2, 22 Garrett Street, Wellington

29 September - 23 October 2021

Anne Noble, Eidolon #3, 2015

A mini survey showing the diversity of Anne Noble's bee works including the ethereal blue eidolons – sky and light filled magnifications of overlaid wing details; the heroic momental museological dead bee portraits; the playful and experimental series of surprisingly coloured and semi-abstract photograms of bee wings.

Emerging from her love of bees and beekeeping, the series was developed as a way of engendering a “psychic connection” and viewer sympathy for the globally threatened bee.

Anne Noble features in the the magazines:

Several magazines have coverage of Noble and her bee project: the current issue of North & South has a 12 page photo essay; Woman and Home magazines and Canvas in the last weekend NZ Herald all have articles. It's great to see the arts getting this level of coverage and the interest in the work itself.

Review by Mary Macpherson in Landfall Online