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Walking the Path

Walking the Path

Abhi Chinniah

pwc tower, hsbc tower, aon centre, jarden house and deloitte centre lobbies
15 Customs St West, Auckland Central

24 May - 13 June 2024

Artist talk with Abhi starts at PWC Tower Lobby, near Spectra cafe, 15 Customs Streets West
Thurs 6 June: 1.30- 2.30pm
Bookings at

Part of the Auckland Festival of Photography

Various locations, start from PwC Tower 15 Customs Streets West - Guide Map Abhi Chinniah Exhibition

Fine art and documentary photographer Abhi Chinniah showcases her portraits, which explore the journeys taken when settling in Aotearoa from elsewhere, away from the notion of home and in search of belonging.
As part of the Auckland Festival of Photography 2024, experience a curated collection of Abhi's photographic works from her photo essays A Migrant's Path, Melanin Rising, and No.13. Drawing from her lived experiences, Abhi depicts migration stories, mental health, colourism, and cultural identity through her lens, capturing her portrait sitters against the backdrop of Aotearoa's landscape.

Abhi Chinniah is a self-taught portrait photographer. Born in Ōtautahi Christchurch to Sri Lankan Tamil Malaysian parents, Abhi grew up in East Coast Malaysia and now lives in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Abhi uses portraiture to elevate marginalised voices. Her debut photographic series, 'Light Skin Dark Skin,' explored the journeys people have to take because of the colour of their skin. Her subsequent photo essay, 'A Migrant's Path,' followed the stories of migrant, immigrant and refugee groups in Aotearoa and how these groups seek out belonging when separated from their roots. 'Light Skin Dark Skin' and 'A Migrant's Path' went on to be acquired by The National Library of New Zealand.

Find Abhi on Instagram @ramiistudio

This exhibition is proudly hosted by Precinct Properties throughout the lobbies of the PwC Tower, HSBC Tower, Aon Centre, Jarden House and Deloitte Centre.