No Hoarding

No Hoarding

Greta Anderson  

Two Rooms

16 Putiki Street, Newton, Auckland

17 August - 15 September 2018

Preview Thursday 16 August 6 - 8 pm

Read the PhotoForum review by Nina Seja

Greta Anderson, No Hoarding - Cross, 2018

Greta Anderson, No Hoarding - Cross, 2018

'Things are made strange in Greta Anderson's photographs, isolated on a pitch-dark background: it is the black of the darkroom and the photographer's studio, the black of night and the field of dreams. Anderson's objects appear to float within these inner and outer spaces, emerging from nothingness and into the light. Their surrounding context removed, her still lives take on iconic, mystical or surrealist qualities, cushioned in still, inky oblivion. Many of the hoarded objects reframed here may have been designed or destined to be discarded. The inexpensive, often disposable plastic objects which feature in No Hoarding speak to the tension between the innovations of the oil-based economies which have enabled their production and their corresponding impact on our precarious ecological systems. Anderson sees these petrochemical plastics as potential artefacts of the future, imagining a time when they are no longer such a dominant, high risk material. In their new imagined role, Anderson casts this curated selection of things as ambivalent artefacts of the plastic age within a future museum – miniature monuments to human hubris. And yet, Anderson's elegantly printed and framed photographs also represent collectibles capable of entering one's own hoardings'. (Text supplied by Two Rooms).