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Guest Stars

Guest Stars

Edith Amituanai, Atanisha Fifita, Paris James-Ioane, Dariean Johnstone, Xeniya Porodnova, Tia Rangi-Dixon, Julie Saulue-Laborde, Grace Tangimataiti, Huia Taylor and Denise Tito.

Fresh Gallery, Otara

8 September – 3 November, 2018

Guest Stars plays on the concepts of ‘local’ and ‘visitor’. Prominent photographer Edith Amituanai has crossed town from West Auckland to work with the rising stars of Ōtara and South Auckland. The exhibition is collaboration between Edith Amituanai, lecturer Caryline Boreham and photography students at the Manukau Institute of Technology.

Ngā mihi

Edith Amituanai, Princess Sina to save the world, 2017 (from Keep on Kimi Ora series)