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In Earliest Light II

In Earliest Light II

The Collodion Collective
Paul Alsop, Michael Bradley, Lisa Clunie, Raewyn Dunn, Jane Fletcher, Su Hendeles, Annemarie Hope-Cross, Brian Scadden, Martin Sowter, Megan Dickinson

Becroft Gallery - Lake House Arts Centre
37 Fred Thomas Dr, Takapuna

3 June - 21 June 2019

Opening 4:00pm Sunday 2 June

Part of the Auckland Festival of Photography

Wet plate collodion is one of photography’s earliest processes. Its temperamental chemistry and beautiful image quality is being rediscovered by a small group of kiwi photographers – the “Collodion Collective”. In Earliest Lightshowcases work using tintypes, ambrotypes, and albumen prints from wet plate negatives.