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Together Alone

Together Alone

Caryline Boreham, Jacob Hamilton, Kim Lu, Timothy Mackrell, Saynab Muse, Céline Sayé, Yvonne Shaw, Tim J. Veling, Terje Koloamatangi. Curated by Allan McDonald

Gallery One
Unitec, Building 76, Gateway 4, Carrington Rd, Mt Albert, Auckland

9 June - 2 July 2021

Opening: 5 - 7pm Wednesday 9 June

Part of the Auckland Festival of Photography

Tim J. Veling, from Pre-Marital Bliss, 2007

The tension between separateness and connection describes an existential continuum that we all traverse. The way we meet these often opposing needs can shift according to our circumstance and time. These photographers each represent a way and a moment in the constant flux between being alone and being together.