

Auckland Photo Blog Photographers

Queens Wharf Fence
89 Quay St, City

28 May - 20 June 2021


Part of the Auckland Festival of Photography

Jasmine Tuiā, Shoreline

Jasmine Tuiā, Shoreline

Auckland Festival of Photography presents Lockdown - a curated selection of images by Auckland photographers, displayed as large-scale prints on Queens Wharf fence.

At an unprecedented time in our history, the Auckland Photo Blog invited submissions from Aucklanders experiencing Lockdown in 2020. The Blog provided a shared digital space for the community. It became a safe space for residents to use from home to express visually a mostly private experience. The Blog established a sense of camaraderie making lockdown more of a shared time, alone together. This exhibition shares some of the Blog images.

The Auckland Photo Blog is an extensive archive of 10,000 photographs. Contributors based in Auckland share imagery in this important visual archive of the city and its inhabitants.
