Time Drag
Time Drag
Edith Amituanai, Allan McDonald, Solomon Mortimer, Haruhiko Sameshima
Anna Miles Gallery
10/30 Upper Queen Street, Auckland
30 May - 3 July 2021
Opening Sunday 30 May 3 - 5pm
Allan McDonald, Puketāpapa 2, 2021
Taking a picture nowadays is not so much the recording of an event but a substantial part of the event itself: event and photographic record fuse. Applying the indexical interpretation, we used to think that some kind of referent was embedded in the photograph, but now we have to think the contrary: something of the photograph is embedded in the referent. There are no longer facts devoid of an image, nor can the phases of documentation and the transmission of the graphic document be dissociated from the event as such.
- Joan Fontcuberta, "The Eye of God,” in Pandora’s Camera: Photography After Photography (London: Mack, 2014), 26-27